Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Tuesday June 12, 2012
We arrived at the airport too early. Our flight was scheduled for 1:00pm, and we got there at 11:15am. The airport is small, and by small I mean about half the size of the CR airport. We definitely did not need to be there that early.When we got there, we found out our flight from Puerto Princesa to Manila was delayed for 2 hours! In the end we didn't actually leave Puerto Princesa until about 4:00pm.So we spent a day at the airport! When we got to Manila Michael's cousins picked us up again, and we drove straight from there to Nagcarlan. It was about 2.5 hour drive.

Wednesday June 13, 2012
Today we hung out all morning at the house, and after lunch we did something I never imagined I would be doing. We went to a 'cock fighting arena'. Basically they have a ring in the center and two big chickens that fight each other to the death. They put a blade on each chicken on the back of their foot to make it go a little quicker. I wasn't sure if I would like it, but it was actually much less gruesome then it sounds. I didn't see any blood, just a lot of feathers flying! So the point of this is to bet on the chickens, and hopefully choosing the winner. Turns out I'm pretty good at choosing the winning chickens! I bet $3-5 on about 7 different fights, and I only lost once! My winnings for the day were 930 pesos, so about $22. I was proud of myself!

I'm not sure of our plans for the rest of the week, but I know Michael wants to go rock climbing (of course) somewhere around here.

I don't have many good photos from the cock fighting, but I have a feeling we will be back there again before we leave!

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